Monday, November 14

Help Refresh Springville with a Pepsi Grant

Are you familiar with ASAP?

It stands for Art City Substance Abuse Prevention.

Maybe you've seen them at events like the Skate Park Challenge

and Battle of the Bands during Art City Days?

They do the Prescription Drug Take Back events, too.

ASAP also started the "Mayor's Recognition Awards" where they recognize

youth in the City Council meetings for positive things they do

in the community.

"ASAP would like to implement an evidence based Positive Action program into our community. By implementing Positive Action, we can improve youth behavior along with reducing substance abuse by up to 71%. Please help us promote positive behavior among our youth by promoting Positive Action."

They have already been randomly selected for their idea and so it is now up to our community to help support them. Please VOTE for ASAP's idea so they can receive the funding they need.

Vote every day starting November 1st until November 30, 2011!
- Must be 13 or older and must register on Pepsi website in order to vote.

Here’s how:

Visit This will take you to our idea. There’s a Voting button on the bottom of the page to sign in and vote or to register and vote.


Send a text message to: 73774

Type: 109789

ASAP thanks you for your support!

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